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Engagement Season Is Upon Us

March 18th, 2016

Diamond Engagement Rings

Last month we celebrated my favorite holiday – Groundhog Day. As quirky as that sounds, and believe me I get plenty of grief about it from my brother, the ridiculous festivities surrounding whether Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow mean that spring is close. This year, I was happy to hear that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow – so it’s official – spring will come early this year. Now we’re getting to why I really love this holiday…engagement season!

As cheesy as it may sound, spring is all about new beginnings, blooming relationships and love. It’s a time when flowers are in full bloom, the grass is green and growing, and everyone seems to be aglow with excitement to have made it through another winter. What makes it my favorite time? Well, to be honest, it’s the time of year when we most often see men visit Wilson & Son excited about a proposal they’re planning (okay – maybe nervous too). I can tell a soon-to-be fiancé from a mile away! They have it all planned – the setting, the wine, the words to say…all but the perfect ring to go with it. As you can tell, I would love to help!

For all of you ready with a spring proposal, we have some of the most stunning engagement rings this season. Whether you’re envisioning a bright diamond set high on her hand, shimmering amid gorgeous gemstones, or refined in a vintage setting, our expert team at Wilson & Son will make sure you find the right ring. So pack up that picnic basket, plan your romantic afternoon on the town, or pick your favorite spot among the burgeoning cherry blossoms, and come by our stores! We’ll show you our selection of the most exquisite diamonds and gems around and be there every step of the way to help you design the ring of her dreams.