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April Birthstone is Diamond

April 25th, 2016


You may not be surprised to learn that April’s birthstone is none other than the “King of All Birthstones,” otherwise known as the diamond. If you’re fortunate enough to have an April birthday, you probably already know this. And if you’re as brilliant and friendly as a Gemini is known to be, you’ve probably also been reminding your boyfriend, husband, children, and anyone who will listen! With an allure that is unsurpassed, diamonds are the world’s most precious gemstone. Diamonds have won the hearts and minds of generation after generation as unparalleled symbols of beauty, romance, love and commitment.

Historians have traced the world’s love of diamonds to India, where diamonds were first found and gathered from the country’s streams and rivers. Used in trade as early as the 4th century BC, by the 1400s, diamonds had found their way onto exquisite pendants, rings and other jeweled accessories worn by Europe’s fashionable elite.

Today, the tradition of diamond wearing as a symbol of lasting beauty, love and brilliance, not only endures, but has taken on new levels of sophistication. At Wilson & Son, we are proud to carry the Forevermark brand, which has brought diamond wearing into the modern age. Forevermark diamonds are beautiful, rare and ethically sourced. In fact, less than 1% of the world’s diamonds have the eligibility to become a Forevermark diamond.

There is no better way to celebrate an April birthday than with the gemstone of lovers – the brilliant diamond. Let our team at Wilson & Son help make your celebration as special as you and your loved one deserve.